En el último segundo del tiempo de descuento de la prórroga Turquia empata a Croacia que marcó faltando 1 minuto para el final de la prórroga. Ya van 3 veces que cuando estan al límite los turcos van y la claman en el último suspiro de la zona Cesarini.
The God of soccer's 2008 and there is turkish.
At the last second time discount of extending Turkey draws to Croatia that marked missing 1 minute to the end of the extension. Already van 3 times that are at the limit when the Turks go and cry in the last sigh of the area Cesarini.
At the last second time discount of extending Turkey draws to Croatia that marked missing 1 minute to the end of the extension. Already van 3 times that are at the limit when the Turks go and cry in the last sigh of the area Cesarini.