Variante 1: La del inicio de liga: Luisgar arriba y Coro de mediapunta.
Variante 2: Jonathan arriba y Luisgar mediapunta alternando posiciones.
Todo ello conllevara a que presumiblemente Palanca vaya convocado.
Dada la plantilla que tenemos y con las lesiones que hay, Valverde ha de tirar de filial con Serrán, Casilla en la porteria y Isaac en la suplencia y Palanca tenga que subir como delantero suplente. Ahora se verá si hay cantera de prestigio. Estamos en la cumbre y hay que mantenerse. Suerte que todo esto sucede a 7 puntos matématicamente-virtuales de la salvación y con casi media liga delante, ni te cuento el clima que se viviría en otra situación en la tabla. Ánimo cantera, ahora es vuestro turno, sin presión y a jugar en primera.
Por otro lado Argilés aguantará empatado con Tamudo a 301 partidos, unos dos meses más si todo va medianamente bien. Tranquilo Tamudo, este record cáe seguro.
Raul Tamudo has broken the arm this morning. It will be about two months off. The break comes at a fortuitous clash against a tank, none other than Chica. This means that Valverde moving parts and combine alternatives to Betis. Option 1: The start of the league: Luisgar up and Coro mediapunta. Option 2: Jonathan up and Luisgar middlehalf alternating positions. This will result to be convened presumably Palanca. Given the staffing we have injuries and there, Valverde had to pull owned subsidiary Serrán, Casilla in the porter and Isaac in the substitution and Palanca have to go up front as an alternate. Now we will see whether there quarry prestige. We are at the summit and should be retained. Lucky that all this happens to 7 points mathematicly-virtual salvation and nearly half league front, nor will the weather story that would live in a different position in the table. Spirit quarry, it is now your turn, without pressure and play at first. Moreover Argilés tied with Tamudo to hold 301 matxes, about two months if all goes moderately well. Quiet Tamudo, this record falls sure.
Raul Tamudo has broken the arm this morning. It will be about two months off. The break comes at a fortuitous clash against a tank, none other than Chica. This means that Valverde moving parts and combine alternatives to Betis. Option 1: The start of the league: Luisgar up and Coro mediapunta. Option 2: Jonathan up and Luisgar middlehalf alternating positions. This will result to be convened presumably Palanca. Given the staffing we have injuries and there, Valverde had to pull owned subsidiary Serrán, Casilla in the porter and Isaac in the substitution and Palanca have to go up front as an alternate. Now we will see whether there quarry prestige. We are at the summit and should be retained. Lucky that all this happens to 7 points mathematicly-virtual salvation and nearly half league front, nor will the weather story that would live in a different position in the table. Spirit quarry, it is now your turn, without pressure and play at first. Moreover Argilés tied with Tamudo to hold 301 matxes, about two months if all goes moderately well. Quiet Tamudo, this record falls sure.