viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009



The plant that Espanyol photovoltaic panels installed on the roofs of the goals of the new stadium in Cornella-El Prat is about to become operational

The plant that Espanyol photovoltaic panels installed on the roofs of the goals of the new stadium in Cornella-El Prat is about to become operational, as reported this morning as the club, as Enersun Alter, the company will exploit this installation of renewable energy pioneer.

The event, chaired by Peter Thomas, chief executive of the club, has also benefited from the presence of Ricardo Leal, president of Alter Enersun, a company that has made the investment and operate in conjunction with the club over the next 25 years the plant, Mauritius Barriga, Enersun Alter manager, Manuel Amigo, Enterprise Corporation of Extremadura, a company that participates in this project and Joan Marull, Abasolo Group representative.

Peter Thomas explained that through Abasolo Enersun Alter, a group with a large business in Extremadura, has also joined as an investor in this initiative and reminded the plates installed in the new stadium "will produce energy equivalent to the that consume 600 homes. Likewise has explained that the company will participate in the exploitation of this energy for 25 years.

The CEO of Espanyol has ensured that the total gross revenues of the energy produced will be around 200,000 euros per year "of which the club has a percentage."

Ricardo Leal, who has insisted he expects his company is "the first in the nation in renewable energy," has thanked the commitment of Espanyol, has insisted that the club has done an excellent job "and has acknowledged that investment in this infrastructure reaches two million.

Mauricio Barriga reminded that this is an installation of 2,700 panels installed on the roofs of the goals of 600 KW rated power capable of generating 705,000 kw-hour year and has pointed out that "in November and could be coupled to the network to produce energy ".

Joan Marull, representing Abasolo, stressed that Espanyol is the first club in Spain has opted for renewable energy in a clear manner. We are the second country in the world on this issue and hope that this initiative is duplicated in other facilities. "

The grass under conditions

Finally, Peter Thomas has revealed that the new stadium turf is in a correct state and recalled that "it was good for the opening, it acts much crushed and the party and was complicated by very high temperatures this summer so hard. Now he is trying, even with artificial elements such as large fans for the day of Madrid is the best. They have doubled the kilos of fertilizer, seed and sand that are commonly used and we looked up to heaven to bring down the temperature. "

Comunicado Oficial RCD Espanyol

Una vez escuchadas las declaraciones en rueda de prensa del jugador de nuestra entidad Raúl Tamudo, nos vemos en la necesidad de realizar las siguientes puntualizaciones:

Que nos ratificamos al 100 por 100 en todas las manifestaciones que realizamos en el día de ayer, por lo cual no ha lugar a rectificación alguna.

Que, durante meses, hemos optado por guardar un absoluto silencio sobre este tema para no perjudicar a la entidad, inmersa en una dificilísima situación clasificatoria, ni a la imagen de Raúl Tamudo.

Que, ante las manifestaciones realizadas por el Sr. Tomás Durán, representante del jugador, en las cuales vertía falsedades sobre el tema que nos ocupa, nos vimos obligados a salir al paso, pues no podíamos permitir que se mintiera respecto a un asunto tan delicado.

Que, por nuestra parte, damos por finalizada esta polémica, aunque no dudaremos en defender la verdad con argumentos más importantes si cabe, en el caso que se repitan manifestaciones que no se ajusten a la realidad.


Germán de la Cruz Camarillas
Consejero responsable del Área Deportiva del RCD Espanyol

Ramón Planes
Director deportivo del RCD Espanyol