domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

A smile is priceless

In football, feelings command. Our football clubs are all forgiven. It is sometimes difficult to express, but he was a team far beyond the victories, titles or disappointment, is something else. It is something almost inexplicable. But this sport goes beyond the playing fields and games. It has been demonstrated many times that it can overcome any barrier. Football has a massive descent on society. So that every detail means a lot. And, but that he ask Abu, Tamba to Ibrahim and three children of Sierra Leone thanks to the program 'Cuidam' and • co-operation of the Spanish enjoyed unforgettable days.

"Cuidam," said Jose Francisco Chamber - its director is a program of solidarity that was born in San Juan de Dios hospital. Its aim is to operate on older patients with serious problems whose lives may be in danger and we can not operate in their country of origin. Come children in Africa, South America ... They reach the poorest places on the planet. "

Abu Ibrahim Tamba and three children who came to Barcelona through this program. Two of them have been reconstructed urethra, and a third esophagus. Some suffered injuries in their home countries impossible to operate for lack of means. Have returned to their country and cured with a huge smile. "They were super thrilled • il, met in Barcelona because some of their dreams. One was to see the stadium from Espanyol and another room with the players, "says House. "These are children who live in villages that have no water and no light at home and had not seen the sea before."

The program director 'Cuidam' admits that his efforts will not cease to be "a drop in the ocean" because there are thousands of children who need their help, but said that "this child will play the lottery because we arrange the life. The quality of life improves. " There is a certain preselection criteria. Establishing a maximum period of three months spent in Barcelona, some can end up staying, and chosen children between 0 and 18 with motor problems, heart or requiring major surgery. "There is n'assabenten families, friends, missionaries, doctors working in Africa are in contact with us." • The applications are numerous applications although s'operen year about 25 children. The cost of each case can vary between 6,000 and up • 20,000 Euros.

The normal is that children remain two to three months although there are cases that are resolved within 15 days. "The culture shock is noticeable, but the children were adapting quickly. We operate and let the good. Try there is no track in the country. More than anything, because it may be impossible. If there was a complication, we have resolved to bring the child back, "he said.

A new feature this year has been that a group of surgeons traveled to Lima (Peru) to operate in ten children. "We go to work, nothing tourism. Our intention is to return next year, "stresses. The economic crisis also affects such entities have been supportive and seek new ways to move forward with your project.


The task of 'Cuidam' would not be possible without the help of organizations such as Partnership • Foundation for Children and Dreams DKV Seguros. "Hopefully the Spanish colleague • continue working with us in the future because kids it's very illegal • forward being with players or watch a football field. For us it is rewarding to treat these special children and the more people we help, the better, "this sentence parrot partner for over 40 years. "These kids did not remove the shirt of the Spanish since it gave. Almost any we could wash. Knew Luis Garcia, He, Nakamura, De la Peña. "He went big. The pity was that we arrived a little late, but we could take pictures with Luis and Kameni and they take a good record in his country. "

As usual, these programs need • co-operation of all persons to move forward. • Any co-operation or donation is good for them. There are many children who need their help and they are waiting. The happiness of these kids is priceless.

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